
Library Department


Lady Brabourne College Library started it's journey in a rented house in Park Circus, Kolkata, in the year 1939. The distinctive feature of our college lies in it's cosmopolitan character, it's multilingual and multi-religious entity. The library is located on the first floor of the main college building. This library has three wings — Main library and Library Annexe (in main college building) and Electronic library (in Rama Choudhury building).

Collections : The library started it's collection with 700 number of books. Now, the library is enriched with a collection of more than 1,00,000 printed books and journals (approx) and various kinds of electronic documents. E-books and E-journals are also included in our collection purchased from different financial grants — Govt. grant, CPE, UGC and RUSA. The library possesses various old and rare documents. Library also procures magazines and newspapers — 'Ananada Bazar Patrika' and 'Hindusthan Times' on a regular basis for their users.

Management of the library : Lady Brabourne College Library has a library committee with librarians and faculty members of different subjects for day to day management and smooth functioning of the library activities.

Facilities of the Library : The library provides various facilities to the users - 'Reading room facility', 'Internet surfing facility', scanning and photocopying facilities etc. Students can enjoy lending and day-issue services using two borrower's cards which they get at the time of admission. Old students of the college doing postgraduate courses elsewhere are allowed to use the library only for reference purposes with special permission from the Principal. Apart from the general library, each department has a seminar library, where the students can access at the discretion of the departmental faculties.

Automation Work : Lady Brabourne college library has installed open source software 'KOHA' for its automation work and most of the library functions are automated. Now, our library is going to implement RFID system in the year 2018.

Preservation Work : Lady Brabourne College library has one preservation unit with 'Fumigation Chamber' to preserve old and valuable documents of the library. Damaged books are treated here using the chemicals 'para-di-chloro-benzene, Thymol' etc. To preserve the library documents for future use, binding works are also done every year.

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